Always the procreant urge of the world.
Out of the dimness opposite equals advance—always substance and increase, always sex;
Always a knit of identity—always distinction—always a breed of life.
To elaborate is no avail—learn’d and unlearn’d feel that it is so.
Sure as the most certain sure, plumb in the uprights, well entretied, braced in the beams,
Stout as a horse, affectionate, haughty, electrical,
I and this mystery, here we stand.
Out of the dimness opposite equals advance—always substance and increase, always sex;
Always a knit of identity—always distinction—always a breed of life.
To elaborate is no avail—learn’d and unlearn’d feel that it is so.
Sure as the most certain sure, plumb in the uprights, well entretied, braced in the beams,
Stout as a horse, affectionate, haughty, electrical,
I and this mystery, here we stand.
Song of Myself
Walt Whitman (from Leaves of Grass, 1900)
Walt Whitman (from Leaves of Grass, 1900)
Traducción de Isla Ternura.com
Siempre el instinto procreando el mundo
surgen de la sombra los iguales -opuestos y complementarios- siempre substancia y crecimiento, siempre sexo;
siempre una red de identidades, siempres distinciones, siempre la vida fecundada.
De nada vale trabajar con primor; cultos e ignorantes lo saben.
Seguro como lo más eguro, enclavado con plomo en las columnas, abrazado al poste firme,
fuerte como un caballo afectuoso, soberbio, ecléctico,
Yo, y este misterio, aquí estamos frente a frente.
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman
(Canto a mí mismo)
Obra disponible en PicassoMío: